This is our happy place!

Do you want to try a Class to see if we are the right fit or just stop by and check us out?

Here is your chance!

We have 2 different ways of doing Hello Dancer Class Previews/Trials

Dancing and Donuts Trial Events which happen the month before and the first 2 months of a 5 Month Session. They Are Scheduled on a Weekend and During the Week. We ask that you attend the trial that is closer to what you are looking to possibly attend. If you are looking for a weekend class then please attend a weekend preview and if you want a weekday afternoon or morning class then please attend those trials.

Regular Class Trials - We have a hand selected classes for trial classes that are during a normal class. These classes are part of the Session and have dancers in them that are already enrolled. Only 1 dancer per trial in this as we do not want to disrupt the current class


These classes are during the regular classes and we do ask that when you try these classes out you come in a leotard and ballet shoes for independent dancers and for the Mommy and Me classes that you come in anything that your little one will wiggle and giggle in!

We are Dancing Dreamers!

Hello Cool Kids, welcome to the place where dance days are the best days, where friendships blossom like wildflowers, and confidence soars!

Your kiddo will continue to dive deeper into the magical world of dance, creativity, and pure joyful expression.

Our classes evolve with you. As you grow, so do your dance skills.

The exiting thing is, you’re kiddo will do it hand and hand with friends, as we love moving in pairs and small squads, working together and learning to create their own dances! …boosting those all-important social-emotional skills.

It’s more than just dance, right?!

Meet the Team

Schedule a 10 minute Meet & Greet Call


Enroll your child based off of their age on October 1, 2023.

Your child’s class will meet classes meet once a week.

Classes are held at 4410 Burnet Rd., Austin, TX 78756



If you have any questions about our programs or if you would just like to know what the magic about is - feel free , to ask away and we’ll do our absolute best to answer them! You can contact us at 512.551.9879 or via email.