This is our happy place!

Mommy and Me Giggle Babies

Ages 2 mo.- Crawling (+ grown up dancer)

You Can Register by clicking on the Class and Time below!

SUMMER Classes

($165 one time payment at Registration OR $50 Deposit at registration + $125 on June 1)


Fridays 9:30am (choose 6 classes over 7 weeks) (6-14, 6-21, 6-28, 7-12, 7-19, 7-26, 8-2) - 6 Spots Available

FALL 2024 Classes:

Mondays (Classes start Aug

Mondays 9:30am 8 Spots Available


Fridays 9:00am 8 Spots Available

Registration / Membership of $75 for Fall is due at the time of signup.

Fall Session is $475 (plus registration fee) if you pay in full or broken into 5 payments of $97.50 starting in August (1st or the 10th of each month) until Dec.

We are the Giggle Babies!

Bouncing and bonding with your baby has never been more fun! Waltz into class as you meet your new mom friends and the coolest babies around while creating meaningful social-emotional connections.

You’ll dance holding your baby close to you and enjoy circle time where you’ll move baby through a series of movements as they sit or lay next to you. Together we’ll sing nursery rhymes, explore multi-sensory props, rhythm, movement, and new dance concepts.

This dance and playtime baby fun is designed for your baby’s developing body and brain and is a ton of fun for BOTH of you!

Meet the Team

Schedule a 10 minute Meet & Greet Call


Enroll your child based off of their age on October 1, 2023.

Your child’s class will meet classes meet once a week.

Classes are held at 4410 Burnet Rd., Austin, TX 78756



If you have any questions about our programs or if you would just like to know what the magic about is - feel free , to ask away and we’ll do our absolute best to answer them! You can contact us at 512.551.9879 or via email.